Views of older people on environmental sustainability: The development of the SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire
Jeroen Dikken; Joost van Hoof; Jan K. Kazak; Veronica Soebarto
Permacomputing aesthetics: potential and limits of constraints in computational art, design and culture
A. Mansoux; B. Howell; D. Barok; V. Heikkilä
Dietetics, Building the Future. ‘’Wat zijn vanuit het perspectief van de cliënten met obesitas en comorbiditeit de meest benoemde bevorderende en belemmerende factoren binnen de behandeling’’
Bugter, Katja (Student); Wijnker, Mariska (Student); van der Palen, Linda; Otte, Rebecca; van de Riet , Annemieke
Knowledge Building as new perspective for education
Jong, F.P.C.M. de (Lector); Cacciamani, S.
Sustainable building blocks at the Hanze
Heeres, André
Living comfortably with heat in Australia – preferred indoor temperatures and climate zones
Joost van Hoof; Sarah Carter; Kerstin K. Zander; Stephen T Garnett
Development of community-based hospitality
Chavdarov, VB (Valentin) (Student)
Physicians and nurses view on their roles in communication and collaboration with families
Woldring, Josien M (Family Care); Gans, Rijk O B; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Luttik, Marie Louise (Family Care)
Reflections on a collaborative effort between engineering, social science, and residents in a seismic strengthening experiment
Bulder, Elisabeth
Ontgroei businessmodel format
Dommerholt, Egbert