Using STPA in the evaluation of fighter pilots training programs
Plioutsias, Anastasios; Karanikas, Nektarios
Investigate higher value share for farmers of mandarin (orange) in Nagpur District, India
Chaudhari, B.K. (Student); Eweg, H.P.A.
A Simulation Model for Transport in a Grid-based Manufacturing System
Jaap Koelewijn; Leo Moergestel, van (Lid Lectoraat); John -Jules Meyer; Eric Puik (Lector); Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); Bas Alblas; Mathijs Kuijl (Onderzoeker)
More power
Jaap van de Loosdrecht; K. Dijkstra
Working With or Next to Each Other?
Gerard Smit (Lid Lectoraat); Yael de Haan (Lid Lectoraat); Laura Buijs (Lid Lectoraat)
Greenpeace, and its independent road to sustainable growth
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Merel Mostert (Student)
Airport slots and slot allocation: driver for mismatch between airline network and city needs?
van den Brandt, Marc; Mujica Mota, Miguel; Boosten, Geert; Hromádka, Martin
(Legal) constraints in terms of group targeting: Differences between EC countries in allowing the selection of specific groups for social programmes
Anke van Gorp (Lid Lectoraat)
Evaluating ITER Remote Handling middleware concepts
Jarich Koning; C.J.M. Heemskerk (Lector); Pepijn Schoen (Onderzoeker); Daan Smedinga (Onderzoeker); Ton Boode (Associate Lector); D.T. Hamilton
Size matters: Pitch dimensions constrain interactive team behaviour in soccer
Frencken, Wouter; van der Plaats, Jorrit; Visscher, Chris; Lemmink, Koen