Facilitating new ways of learning in dutch higher education
Ronald Beckers; Theo van der Voordt
Facility management research in the Netherlands
Thijssen, Thomas; van der Voordt, Theo; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
Participant design: towards sustainable marketing in an age of
Joke Hermes (Lector)
Logistic service providers and sustainable physical distribution
Stef Weijers; Hans-Heinrich Glöckner; Reinder Pieters
Analysing students' use of recorded lectures through methodological triangulation
Pierre Gorissen (Stafmedewerker); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim Jochems
In hoeverre beïnvloedt gait retraining bij gezonde proefpersonen de peak pressure en pressure time integral ten opzichte van het normale gaan?
Tim Gerbrands (Begeleider); Lino Sunier (Student)
Developing a human-centered attitude through experiental learning
Bas Leurs (Docent); Ingrid Mulder (Lector); Peter van Waart (Docent)
Thesis Rabobank North America
Ruud Kuijpers
Masterminding the dance of light : [research report tailored for exportation of laser/nonlinear crystals to Northern America]
Peng Wang (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
Education, the missing link of the Roma : approaching the truancy problem of Roma in the Netherlands
C. Thomas Jan Herweijer (Student); F.M. Termes (Begeleider)