Zocht je misschien: movement?
The Czechs return to Europe
Niesje [B.A.] Barreveld (Student); P. (Pieter) Pijlman (Begeleider)
Operational modeling of a sustainable gas supply chain
Bekkering, Jan (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Broekhuis, A. A.; van Gemert, Wim
Development of proximal arm muscle control during reaching in young infants
Bakker, Hanneke; de Graaf-Peters, Victorine B.; van Eykern, Leo A; Otten, Bert; Hadders-Algra, Mijna
Lesbian, gay and bisexual rights in the European Union
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Jule Dunemann (Student)
Climate Refugees in the 21st Century : promoting solutions to help environmentally displaced persons
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Chloé van Gils (Student)
Wastepaper Mining: a sustainable Goldmine
H. Camstra; M. Michon; Reinder Pieters; Stef Weijers; H.F. de Zwart
Skilled enough?! How motor developed are students?
Tijn van de Wiel (Student); Frank de Kok (Begeleider)
John Matthijs (Begeleider); Mark Heijmans (Student); Dave Kuppers (Student); Saskia Biemans (Student); Eddy Salters (Begeleider)
Specific postural support promotes variation in motor behaviour of infants with minor neurological dysfunction
de Graaf-Peters, Victorine B; De Groot-Hornstra, Agnes H; Dirks, Tineke; Hadders-Algra, Mijna