Learning Partnerships (WP5) COP Report
Hofenk, Harold (Sports Science); de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Selker, Jacqueline; Beenen, Paul
Material Sample Management Tool
Bogers, Loes; Groen, Maarten (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Do goal clarification and process feedback positively affect students’ need-based experiences?
Christa Krijgsman; Tim Mainhard; Lars Borghouts; Jan van Tartwijk; Leen Haerens
Motivating students for physical activity: What can we learn from student perspectives?
Gwendolijn Boonekamp; A.J. Dierx; Erik Jansen
Types, characteristics and anatomic location of physical signs in elder abuse: a systematic review Awareness and recognition of injury patterns
ME van Houten; Lilian Vloet; T. Pelgrim; UJL Reijnders; Sivera Berben
Intercultural, interdisciplinary design thinking in action
Marloes Ambagts-van Rooijen (Lid Lectoraat); R. Scheltinga (Docent)
E.E. de Louw (Lid Lectoraat); Claudia Bulnes (Lid Lectoraat)
Kitesurfen op weg naar de Olympische Spelen
Jitske Hendriks (Student)
Feasibility of a home-based interdisciplinary rehabilitation program for patients with Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: the REACH study
Major, Mel E.; Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, Daniela; Ramaekers, Stephan P.J. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Engelbert, Raoul H. H.; van der Schaaf, Marike (Faculteit Gezondheid)