Staff Perceptions on the Implementation of Structured Risk Assessment with the START:AV: Identifying Barriers and Facilitators in a Residential Youth Care Setting
Tamara L.F. de Beuf; Corine de Ruiter; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector)
Creating public value in the care at home sector: a mixed-method study about expectations of primary stakeholders using a social exchange perspective
S. Kraus-Hoogeveen; P. Peters; Els van der Pool; B. van der Heijden
P&ID-based symptom detection for automated energy performance diagnosis in HVAC systems
A.C. Taal (Lid Lectoraat); L.C.M. (Laure) Itard
Improving effectiveness of McDonalds’ self-service kiosk
Jan Sael (Student); E.J. van Weperen (Begeleider)
Practical guidelines for conducting a situational analysis at meso-level
van Dijck, Egbert-Jan; Heller, Renee (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
Implementing experience sampling technology for functional analysis in family medicine
Naomie Daniëls; Laura Hochstenbach (Lid Lectoraat); Marloes Amantia van Bokhoven; Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Philippe Delespaul
A comparison of existing frameworks leading to an empathic formation compass for co-design
Wina Smeenk (Lector); Janienke Sturm (Lector); Berry Eggen (Lector)
Stakeholder workshop to disseminate the ICES deep-sea access regulation technical service, and scope the required steps for regulatory purposes (WKREG)
Doyle, A.; Grehan, A.; Archambault, B.; Goldsborough, D.G. (Lid Lectoraat)
Development of an improvisational music therapy intervention for young adults with depressive symptoms
Sonja Aalbers; Annemieke Vink; Ruth Freeman; Kim Pattiselanno; Marinus Spreen; Susan van Hooren (Lector)