Net activism - net demagogy
F. Cramer
Acquisition of more visitors to the website and social media of The French Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam
Florian Carquillat (Begeleider); Bianca Bijkerk-van Ommen (Docent); Celine Meijer (Student)
The enhancement of A/B testing in web design
Martijn van den Broeke (Student); Jacob Adriani (Begeleider); J.T.C. Jessen (Begeleider); Cesar Zijp (Begeleider)
Juiste voeding, optimale wondgenezing
S.N. Brouwer (Student); Thérèse Jansen (Begeleider); Iman Padmos (Begeleider); S. Rolloos (Begeleider)
De prikken levend houden
Jessica de Boer (Student); Sanja Antonides (Docent); Iris van de Velde (Docent)
Analysis of the features important for the effectiveness of physical activity-related apps for recreational sports
Joan Dallinga; Mark Janssen; Jet van der Werf; Ruben Walravens; Steven Vos; Marije Deutekom
Videoblogging before YouTube
Bjørkmann Berry, Trine
Influence of mobile web applications on visitors experience
Schreurs, L. (Student); Leeuwen, M. van
Designing digital tooling for business model exploration for the Internet-of-Things
Alexia Athanasopoulou, A. (Alexia) (Phd); Reuver, M. (Mark) de (Professor); Haaker, T. (Timber) (Lector)
Cultural differences and marketing
Beau, C. (Student); Schipper, E.C.