Practises, Drivers and Barriers of an Emerging Regenerative Higher Education in The Netherlands
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker); K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector); E. (Ellen) Sjoer (Lector)
The incorporation of body composition assessments as part of routine clinical care in a tertiary hospital's dietetic department: a best practice implementation project
SA Wilkinson; CJD Jobber; F Nave; Barbara van der Meij
Understanding Caregiver Perspective on Social Determinants of Health Interventions in Pediatric Primary Care.
J.R. Corey; K.A. Courts; P. Anshu; A. Cushwa; H.B. Kersten
Patients' and clinicians' experiences with stratified exercise therapy in knee osteoarthritis: a qualitative study.
J. Knoop; J.W. de Joode; H. Brandt; J Dekker; R.W.J.G. Ostelo
Immediate patient perceptions following lumbar spinal fusion surgery: semi-structured multi-centre interviews exploring the patient journey and experiences of lumbar fusion surgery (FuJourn).
A. Rushton; B. Elena; F. Jadhakhan; A. Masson; Bart Staal; M.L. Verra; A. Emms; M. Reddington; A. Cole; P.C. Willems; L. Benneker; N.R. Heneghan; A. Soundy
Physiotherapists’ knowledge, attitude and practice behavior to prevent chronification in patients with non-specific, non-traumatic, acute- and subacute neck pain: A qualitative study
Martine Verwoerd (Onderzoeker); Harriët Wittink (Lector); Mariëlle Goossens (Onderzoeker); François Maissan (Onderzoeker); Rob Smeets (Onderzoeker)
Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers, Facilitators, and Needs
Inge Klatte (Onderzoeker); Vera van Heugten (Onderzoeker); Rob Zwitserlood (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
The moment he realized he needed our joint assistance made the difference
Gercoline van Beek (Onderzoeker); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Dike van de Mheen
Explorations on the use of lived experiences by psychiatrists
Simona Karbouniaris (Onderzoeker); Marjolein Boomsma-van Holten; Antoinet Oostindiër; Pascal Raats; Cecil Prins-Aardema; Alie Weerman; Jean-Pierre Wilken (Lector); Tineke Abma
Inpatient physical activity across a large university city hospital: a behavioral mapping study
Karin Valkenet (Onderzoeker); Prue McRae (Onderzoeker); Elja Reijneveld (Onderzoeker); Mariëlle Jans (Onderzoeker); Petra Bor (Onderzoeker); Lotte van Delft (Onderzoeker); Daniel L. Young (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)