The community of Inquiry and the beliefs of teachers
Rob Bartels (Lid Lectoraat)
The barrier-belief approach in the counseling of physical activity
Bouma, Adrie; van Wilgen, C. Paul; Dijkstra, Arie
Liberal Philosophers and Political Parties on Religious Tolerance
Aaron Evers (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider)
Young at heart, old at work? Relations between age, (meta-)stereotypes, self-categorization, and retirement attitudes
Sabine Otten; Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden; Frank Oderkerk; Matthijs Bal; Hannes Zacher
Self-management: challenges for allied healthcare professionals in stroke rehabilitation - a focus group study
Ton Satink; Edith Cup; Bert de Swart; M.N. van Sanden
If God likes the child
Eva Aalbers (Student); Gera van de Bergh (Begeleider)
Door de ogen van de ander kijken
Smilde, Rineke
Game on! Lessons learned from joint development and production of health games
Leupen, Harro (New Business & Ict); Willems, Rob; Onyango, George; Odongo, Peter
Written pain neuroscience education in fibromyalgia
van Ittersum, Miriam; van Wilgen, C. Paul; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Lambrecht, Luc; Groothoff, Johan W.; Nijs, Jo
Primary teacher educators’ perception of desired and achieved pedagogical content knowledge in geography education in primary teacher training
Joop van der Schee; Marian Blankman (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Boogaard (Lid Lectoraat); Monique Volman