RegelSpraak: a CNL for Executable Tax Rules Specification
Mischa Corsius; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers; M.H.A.F. Lokin; E.J.H Baars; G.B. Sangers-Van Cappellen; Ilona Wilmont
In Continuous Software Development, Tools are the Message for Documentation.
Theo Theunissen; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers; S. Overbeek
Experimenting a Healthy Ageing Community in Immersive Virtual Reality Environment: The Case of World’s Longest-lived Populations
P. Najafi; Masi Mohammadi; P.M. Le Blanc; P.J.V. van Wesemael
(Re)organizing circular design projects: four tool applications and reflections.
Maarten van den Berg; D. Schraven; Frits Schultheiss; T. Frese
INTRALOG - Intelligent Autonomous Truck Applications in Logistics: The Next Step - Multi Agent Systems Controls Autonomous Docking
Rakshith Kusumakar; Lejo Buning; Berry Gerrits; Igor Besselink; Frans Tillema
Optimal path planning for rearward docking of articulated vehicles
Joop Pauwelussen; Karel Kural
Gaussian processes and PBS assessment of articulated vehicles
Joop Pauwelussen
Scaled Test Environment for Testing ITS Applications
Rakshith Kusumakar; Abhishek Singh Tomar; Ben Pyman; Karel Kural; Frans Tillema
Continuous Learning with the Sandwich of Happiness and Result Planning
Theo Theunissen; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers; S. Overbeek
Intelligent Access Policy ensuring the right vehicle on the right road at the right time
Karel Kural; E. van Kempen; B. Kraaijenhagen; T. Asp; L. Aarts; S. Wandel