Suitable and sustainable health game development through Concept Mapping
Brons, A.; Braam, K.I.; Timmerman, A.X.C.; Broekema, A. (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Visser, B. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Altenburg, T.M.; Chinapaw, M.J.M.; Engelbert, R.H.H. (Lectoraat Fysiotherapie - Transitie Van Zorg Bij Complexe Patiënten); Kröse, B.
Students’ online argumentative peer feedback, essay writing, and content learning
Omid Noroozi (Onderzoeker); Javad Hatami (Onderzoeker); Arash Bayat (Onderzoeker); Stan van Ginkel (Lid Lectoraat); Harm Biemans (Onderzoeker); Martin Mulder (Onderzoeker)
Withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining therapy in older adults (≥ 80 years) admitted to the intensive care unit
VIP1 Study Group
Motivational Intervention through Literature Activities (MILA): an intervention to measure motivation in secondary school students based on the Motivational Self System
Jessica van Bragt (Student); Kristina Goodnight (Begeleider)
Adherence of stroke patients with an online brain training program
Manon M. Wentink; J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lid Lectoraat); M.A.M. (Monique) Berger (Lid Lectoraat); A.J. (Arend) de Kloet (Lector); E. Stevens; G. P. H. Band; C. H. Kromme; R. Wolterbeek; P. H. Goossens; Thea Vliet Vlieland
A prospective international observational prevalence study on prone positioning of ARDS patients
investigators of the APRONET Study Group, the REVA Network, the Réseau recherche de la Société Française d’Anesthésie-Réanimation (SFAR-recherche) and the ESICM Trials Group
Violence Risk Assessment in Women
Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Miriam Wijkman; Michiel de Vries Robbé
Het verschil in landingstechniek tussen 6 en 9 maanden na een voorste kruisband reconstructie bij mannelijke sporters = The difference in landing technique between 6 and 9 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in male athletes
Maarten Ernsten (Student); Xander Bijsterveld (Student); Betsy Weening (Begeleider)
Scaling up climate change mitigation practices in smallholder dairy value chains
Allen, K. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
A generational approach to female entrepreneurship in Europe
P. Ester; A.A. Román