Learning Domain Knowledge and Systems Thinking using Qualitative Representations in Secondary Education (grade 10-12)
Kragten, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Jaspar, Emile; Bredeweg, Bert (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Agell, Núria; Forbus, Kenneth D.
Interactive 2D Installation
Minkova, VM (Viktoria) (Student)
Social media marketing to increase sales
Kim Zwemer (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Sofia Renner (Begeleider)
Smart Data Management
Alexander Dubson Garcia (Student); Jeroen van Beers (Docent); Daniel Ehrlich (Begeleider)
Wacht @ctief
Katharina Gozdzik (Student)
Circular Workwear: Alternative Textile Dyeing Technologies
Ivanova, LK (Lilia) (Student)
Effects of the “Care for Participation+” Intervention on the Participation of Adults With Visual and Severe or Profound Intellectual Disabilities: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial
Hanzen, G. J.; Waninge, Aly (Participation And Health Of Persons With Intellectual And Visual Disabilities); Van Nispen, R.M.A.; Vlaskamp, Carla; Van der Putten, A.A.J.
Supporting Adolescents with Mental Health Problems in Secondary Education: Feasibility of a Supported Education Intervention
Beukema, Lindy; Hofstra, Jacomijn (Rehabilitation); Reijneveld, Sijmen A; de Winter, Andrea F.; Korevaar, Lies
The Content and Sources of Breastfeeding Knowledge for New Mothers in the Netherlands
Oosterhoff, Alberta T. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Sellen, Daniel; Haisma, Hinke