Healing environment: A review of the impact of physical environmental factors on users
Emelieke Huisman (Lid Lectoraat); E. Morales; Joost van Hoof (Lid Lectoraat); H.S.M. Kort (Lector)
Up scaling and test results of an advanced Fresnel greenhouse
Elisa van Tuijl; H.J.J. Janssen; H.F. de Zwart; Pieter Sonneveld; Gert-Jan Swinkels
The meaning of physical environmental factors on patient, family, carers and staff outcomes
Joost van Hoof (Docent); E. Morales; H.S.M. Kort; E.R.C.M. Huisman
Keep it looking beautiful! Historicised residential architecture as a means of reproducing the middle class self
Meier, Sabine
Energieke restauratie
Boschma, Bate
Supply chain partnership within housing renovation – approaches and expectationsin the Dutch housing association sector
Vincent Gruis (Lector); Ad Straub; Martin Roders
Supply chain partnerships within housing renovation- approaches and expectations in the Dutch housing association sector
Ad Straub; Martin Roders; Vincent Gruis (Lector)
Sustainable Innovation in the Dutch Construction Industry
D. (Damon) Hassanpur Golriz (Lid Lectoraat); H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat); S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector)
Export policy plan : how can GSB Grötsch enter the Dubai market and what does the company need to do that?
W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider); Christina Bakhtari (Student)
0; 0Engineering bouw- en woonrijp maken"De Veldjes"
Berg, R. van den (Student); Schuurman, S. (Student); Zande, H. van der; Gelder, H. de; Meer, P. van der; Beek, van