Decision aids to improve informed decision‐making in pregnancy care: a systematic review
F. Vlemmix; J.K. Warendorf; A.N. Rosman; M. Kok; B.W.J. Mol; J.M. Morris; N. Nassar
The CareWell-primary care program: design of a cluster controlled trial and process evaluation of a complex intervention targeting community-dwelling frail elderly
F.G.H. Ruikes; ARM Meys; G. van de Wetering; R.P. Akkermans; Betsie van Gaal; S.U. Zuidema; H.J. Schers; Theo van Achterberg; R.T.C.M. Koopmans
Current use and barriers and facilitators for implementation of standardised measures in physical therapy in the Netherlands
Anna Beurskens (Lector); Roland van Peppen; Harriet Wittink; Jan Custers; Raymond Swinkels (Lid Lectoraat)
Facilitators and barriers in pain management for trauma patients in the chain of emergency care
Sivera Berben; T. Meijs; Lisette Schoonhoven; Theo van Achterberg; P.M. van Grunsven
Barriers to and facilitators for the use of an evidence-based occupational therapy guideline for older people with dementia and their carers
Bert de Swart; M. Kaijen; 't N. van Leven; M. Vernooij-Dassen; Maud Graff; M. Olde-Rikkert
A point of no return
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability)
Implementation of the external cephalic version in breech delivery. Dutch national implementation study of external cephalic version
F. Vlemmix; A.N. Rosman; M.A.H. Fleuren; M.E.B. Rijnders; A. Beuckens; M.C. Haak; B.M.C. Akerboom; J.M.J. Bais; S.M.I. Kuppens; D.M. Papatsonis; B.C. Opmeer; J.A.M. van der Post; B.W.J. Mol; M. Kok
That which goes unsaid: Experiences of everyday life in residential care for residents with limited communication ability. A collective case study.
Donna Frost (Lid Lectoraat)
Organizational Innovation and its Facilitators: A brief overview of work in progress
Dr. Paul Breman (Lector); M. Oteman; M. Makowski; B.M.E. de Waal; I. Hollaender; E. Hijmans; Astrid Bolland (Lid Lectoraat)
Outcome measures in physiotherapy management of patients with stroke: a survey into self-reported use, and barriers to and facilitators for use
N.L.U. van Meeteren; R.P.S. van Peppen (Lid Lectoraat); R. van Dolder; J.F. Maissan; F.R. van Genderen