Als woorden ontbreken...
Jaap Driest (Begeleider); Marion van Ogtrop (Onderzoeker)
The effect of video feedback on landing technique in elite female team handball players, implications for ACL injury prevention.
Benjaminse, Anne; Janssen, Ina; Otten, Bert
Pressure ulcers in trauma patients with suspected spine injury: a prospective cohort study with emphasis on device-related pressure ulcers
Marieke J. Schuurman (Lector); Luke Leenen; Lisette Schoonhoven; Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker)
How does injury compensation affect health and disability in patients with complaints of whiplash? A qualitative study among rehabilitation experts-professionals.
Suzan Mooren - van der Meer; M. Pieterse; M. Reneman; J. Verhoeven; J. van der Palen
Relationship between Y Balance Test and single-leg hop performance measures
Nina Goedert (Student); Steven Onkelinx (Begeleider)
Jump landing characteristics predicts lower extremity injuries in indoor team sports
van der Does, Hendrike; Brink, Michel; Benjaminse, Anne; Visscher, Chris; Lemmink, Koen
Innovative video feedback on jump landing improves landing technique in males
Dallinga, Joan; Benjaminse, Anne; Gokeler, Alli; Cortes, N.; Otten, E.; Lemmink, Koen
Enhanced retention of drop vertical jump landing technique
Welling, Wouter; Benjaminse, Anne; Gokeler, Alli; Otten, Bert
Effects of reduced relative implicit and explicit feedback on lower extremity jump-landing mechanics: a preliminary analysis
Popovic, T.; Caswell, S.; Ambegaonkar, J.; Siragy, T.; Onate, J.; Benjaminse, Anne; Cortes, N.