Results of National In Situ Mapping of Potential Toxic Elements in Nature-Based Bioswales and Raingardens
Boogaard, Floris; Koning, Joey; Roest, Allard
Climate Adaptation in the Northern Netherlands
Koning, Joey
Vader en Vast
Imke Herms (Student); Mena Oosting (Student)
Monitor Teaching and Learning with ICT - results 2022
Bas Kurver; Carolien van Rens; Marloes Timmermans; Frank Willems; Marijke Kral; Kyra de Korte
Poster Leven Lang Ontwikkelen met Route
Petra Biemans (Lector); E. (Ellen) Sjoer (Lector)
Poster Studiekeuzegeluk met Route
Jeany van Beelen-Slijper (Associate Lector)
Netwerkcentrum De Opbouw
Ina Holtrop; Brecht Kemper; Annelies Westra; Iris Wulp; Jolanda Tuinstra
Restoration of tidal flats in the Scheldt estuary: monitoring results from Baalhoek and Knuitershoek intervention areas
Wietse van de Lageweg (Lector); Charlotte Pons (Onderzoeker); Vincent Bax (Onderzoeker); Vana Tsimopoulou (Onderzoeker)
Polder2C’s: lessons from a living lab approach to flood resilience building
Vana Tsimopoulou (Onderzoeker); Wietse van de Lageweg (Lector); Stephan Rikkert (Onderzoeker); Ludolph Wentholt (Onderzoeker)
Feeding the melting pot
Vermue, A.