Participation in and implementation of EAZA conservation campaigns
Hoogland, R. (Student); Wesselman, R. (Student); Bezuijen, H.T.M.; Griede, T.
The impact of Regional Collection Plans
Broek, A. van den (Student); Jansen, P. (Student); Griede, T.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Global population management policy in zoo associations
Ravenswaaij, A. van (Student); Rusman, M. (Student); Griede, T.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Evaluation short term learning effects of the "Learning with Nature" environmental education programme in Mauritius
Engelen, I. van (Student); Wylegalla, S. (Student); Dijk, H.M. van; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Birth sex-ratio and infant survival rate in relation to maternal age in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
Rijcke, S. de (Student); Griede, T.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Opvangcentra voor reptielen, amfibieën en geleedpotigen
Langen, A. (Student); Versteegh, M.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Effect of low pathogenic avian influenza on winter movement and fuelling rate in Bewick's swans (Cygnus colombianus bewickii)
Vos, A. (Student); Wietses, W. (Student); Meijer, T.H.M.; Bezuijen, H.T.M.
Zoological institutions in the Middle East and potential of a regional zoo association
Livet, J. (Student); Bezuijen, H.T.M.; Griede, T.