Meet and eat, an interdisciplinary group intervention for patients with myotonic dystrophy about healthy nutrition, meal preparation, and consumption: a feasibility study
Suzanne van Hees; S. Knuijt; H Dicke; JT Groothuis; J Raaphorst; Ton Satink; Edith Cup
Patterns of social participation among older adults with disabilities and the relationship with well-being: A latent class analysis
Suzanne van Hees; BHP van den Borne; J Menting; JNT Sattoe
Blijven werken bij psychische klachten; Handreiking vóór en dóór de praktijk
Bouwine Carlier; Suzanne van Hees; Shirley Oomens
Arbeidsdeskundige handreiking voor werkgevers: de mentaal gezonde zaak.
Suzanne van Hees; Bouwine Carlier
Posterpresentatie literatuur studie De mentaal gezonde zaak
Suzanne van Hees
Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Suzanne van Hees; T O'Fallon; M Hofker; Maria Dekker; S Polack; LM Banks; EJAM Spaan
Voting barriers and solutions: the experiences of people with disabilities during the Dutch national election in 2017
Suzanne van Hees; HR Boeije; I de Putter
Myd & Eat: a multidisciplinary intervention for myotonic dystrophy regarding food intake and nutrition
Suzanne van Hees; S. Knuijt; H Dicke; Ton Satink; J Raaphorst; JT Groothuis; Edith Cup
What environmental factors influence resumption of valued activities post stroke: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative findings
S. Jellema; Suzanne van Hees; J. Zajec; R van der Sande; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Esther Steultjens
Role of Environmental Factors on Resuming Valued Activities Poststroke: A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Findings
S. Jellema; R van der Sande; Suzanne van Hees; J. Zajec; Esther Steultjens; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden