Lifestyle management to prevent atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: evidence and challenges
van Trier, T. J.; Mohammadnia, N.; Snaterse, M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Peters, R. J. G.; Jørstad, H. T.; Bax, W. A.
An appeal to our government for nationwide policies in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
van Trier, T. J.; Mohammadnia, N.; Snaterse, M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Peters, R. J. G.; Jørstad, H. T.; Bax, W. A.; Mackenbach, J. D.
Cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity in people who have rheumatoid arthritis at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease
Sobejana, M.; van den Hoek, J. (Hogeschool Van Amsterdam); Metsios, G. S.; Kitas, G. D.; Jorstad, H. T.; van der Leeden, M.; Pijnappels, M.; Lems, W. F.; Nurmohamed, M. T.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen)
The scientific basis for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease: recent contributions from the Netherlands.
Jørstad, H. T.; Snaterse, M.; Ter Hoeve, N.; Sunamura, M.; Brouwers, R.; Kemps, H.; Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M.; Peters, R. J. G.