Engagement or Apathy? : political marketing's impact on campaigning and civic engagement in the European Union
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Lars Mensel (Student)
Can the elections of the European Parliament in 2009 have an influence on the European integration in the Netherlands since the last Referendum in 2005?
Stijn van Erp (Student); R. Rawal (Begeleider)
How has the ineffectiveness of the Dutch Government and Dutch political parties to keep their citizens will informed about EU issues shaped their relationship with the organization? Has this changed since the 'NO' vote?
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Janaica B. Braafheid (Student)
Analysing the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era : an assessment of the evolution of NATO since the 1990s and recommendations for the future
C.M. Nigten (Begeleider); Joyce van de Bildt (Student); R. Rawal (Begeleider)
To what extent did the Sudanese government influence the Dafur [sic] crisis?
Sylvia Ayukakpa (Student); R. Rawal (Begeleider)
Ban Ki-Who?
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Britt Pols (Student)
Balancing power : Britain and its role between America and Europe
Erik Pleyte (Student); R. Rawal (Begeleider)
US BMD plans in Central Europe : the role of NATO and the EU
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Magdalena A. Grochowska (Student); P. (Pieter) Pijlman (Begeleider)
Cluster Munitions in an International Perspective : a testcase for European Union coherence
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Donncha G.M. O'Floinn (Student)
NAVO and India : scope, fields, and mechanisms of possible cooperation
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Sebastian Boll (Student)