Biobased relations with China
de Graaf-Peters, Victorine
Hanze Research Day 2018
Wiekens, Carina; de Graaf-Peters, Victorine; Krijnen, Wim; Heeres, André
Development of proximal arm muscle control during reaching in young infants
Bakker, Hanneke; de Graaf-Peters, Victorine B.; van Eykern, Leo A; Otten, Bert; Hadders-Algra, Mijna
Covariation bias for social events and signs of (dis)approval in high and low socially anxious individuals
de Jong, Peter J; de Graaf-Peters, Victorine; van Hout, Wiljo J P J; van Wees, Rineke
Development of postural control in typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy
de Graaf-Peters, Victorine B; Blauw-Hospers, Cornill H; Dirks, Tineke; Bakker, Hanneke; Bos, Arie F; Hadders-Algra, Mijna
Specific postural support promotes variation in motor behaviour of infants with minor neurological dysfunction
de Graaf-Peters, Victorine B; De Groot-Hornstra, Agnes H; Dirks, Tineke; Hadders-Algra, Mijna
The Kozijavkin method
Hadders-Algra, Mijna; Dirks, Tineke; Blauw-Hospers, Cornill; de Graaf-Peters, Victorine