Creating stylized and believable 3D character animations for a feature animated production using 2D backgrounds
Belishka, VK (Victoria) (Student)
Web-Based Auto Rigging Solution for Remote Mocap Sessions
Leeuwen, DJ (Daniël) van (Student)
The Character Production Pipeline Project
Aioanei, IA (Iolanda) (Student)
Creating a 2D animation with 3D elements while exploring EbSynth & Blender
Danila, A (Alexandra) (Student)
Interactive Entrance at Ambient Intelligence
Hobiger, MB (Marieke) (Student)
Building a life-sized game character costume
Eisink, M (Merel) (Student)
How can a 3D Character Artist translate and adapt the style and design of the concept art to that of a project?
Waning, MB (Mandy) (Student)
Creating stylized 3D game characters for low-end devices
Brink, B (Brendan) (Student)