Strategy to improve the effectiveness of online marketing for Swedish stallion stud farms
Peveling, L. (Student); Smit, D.
Precisiebemesting in snijmaïs
Hierink, M. (Student); Woerden, A. van
Helofytensloot rapportage 3
Kooij, W. van der (Lector)
Logistic system efficiency in middle-sized farms in the South-Eastern part of Romania
Titianu, M. (Student); Burgess, P.
Equine manure as a sustainable solution
Onstee, R. (Student); Schipper, K.
Vruchtbaarheid optimaliseren door kans op vroegembryonale sterfte te verlagen
Man, R. de (Student); Bloemert, J.
Relevance of modern technology in protected cultivation of vegetables in India
Durot, C. (Student); Meggelen, I. van
Understanding the impact of the common agricultural policy on dairy farmers
Cado, M. (Student); Beekhuizen, J. van
Using faba beans as a protein source for Danish dairy cows
Schipper, Y. (Student); Westrik, J.D.
Relatie tussen vreet- en herkauwactiviteit in de droogstand en ketose in de volgende lactatie
Dieren, A-J. van (Student); Bloemert, J.