Finding common ground
Doornik, T.J. van; Jung, M.P.S.; Loon-Steensma, J.M. van (Lector)
Measuring the intangible.
Alice Dimastrogiovanni (Student)
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Bioswale Infiltration Rate Observed during Full-Scale Infiltration Tests
Kondratenko, Jurijs; Boogaard, Floris C. (Research Centre For Built Environment – Noorderruimte); Rubulis, Jānis; Maļinovskis, Krišs
Interplay Between Digital-Only Strategy and Financial Performance
Grabovets, Kateryna; Temelkov, Zoran; Yazıcı, Ayşe Meriç; Albattat, Ahmad; Valeri, Marco; Hassan, Viana
EASST-4S STS Making and doing transformations
van der Schoor, Tineke; van der Windt, Henny
Local object names at the Wereldmuseum
Imke Joling (Student); Marijke Kunst (Begeleider); Mirjam Shatanawi (Begeleider)
Arts and psychomotor therapies in the treatment of personality disorders
Suzanne Haeyen (Lector); Giancarlo Dimaggio (Onderzoeker)
Thesis about the emptying process of water storage facilities in urban areas
Melvin Lisseveld (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Docent); Lennard Stigter (Begeleider)
‘We can be a family again, but different than before’
Aletta Simons (Lid Lectoraat); Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Tine van Regenmortel
Eindrapportage Lectoraat Human Capital Delta Dreamers
Petra Biemans (Lector); Jeany van Beelen-Slijper (Associate Lector); Piet Verstegen (Onderzoeker)