Zocht je misschien: development, developments, could?
Characteristics of Children in Foster Care, Family-Style Group Care, and Residential Care
Evert M. Scholte (Onderzoeker); Hanna T. Swaab (Onderzoeker); Chris Kuiper (Lector); Harmke Leloux-Opmeer (Onderzoeker)
Communication performance of children with Down Syndrome: An ICF-CY based multiple case study
Dr. Yvonne van Zaalen; Judith Stoep; L.T.W. Verhoeven; MSc Stijn Deckers (Docent); Hans van Balkom
Evaluation of screening for speech/language and non-speech language
Dieleman, Liesbeth
Overall intelligibility, articulation, resonance, voice and language in a child with Nager syndrome.
H. Vermeersch; Anke Luyten (Docent); G. Mortier; K. Bettens; K. van Lierde; A. Tijskens