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Material Sample Management Tool
Bogers, Loes; Groen, Maarten (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
Recognising and Developing Effective Workplace Cultures Across Health and Social Care that are Also Good Places to Work
Kate Sanders; Jonathan Webster; Kim Manley; Shaun Cardiff (Onderzoeker)
The discourse of social movements
Petra Sneijder (Onderzoeker); Baukje Stinesen (Onderzoeker); Maartje Harmelink (Onderzoeker); Annette Klarenbeek (Lector)
Pollination and pest control in agricultural landscapes
Boersma, A. (Student); Rekers, M.G.M.
Van Welderen RengersprijsAgent-based model property rights for decentralized organic waste processing
Lange, K.P.H. (City Net Zero)
Origins of SWOT Analysis
Puyt, Richard W.; Lie, Finn B.; De Graaf, Frank J. (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); Wilderom, Celeste P. M.
Strategic Human Resource Management and the research-teaching-practice nexus
M.T.A. (Max) Aangenendt (Lid Lectoraat); Y (Yvonne) Boender; L.D. (Dorothee) Colijn; L. (Laura ) Lodewijk-Schmidt
Income generating activities as an empowerment instrument
Alwedo, J. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Governance of urban collectives in Amsterdam
van Hemert, Patricia (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation); van Winden, Willem (Kenniscentrum Fbe)
How can the overall quality of teachers and their teaching methods in Dutch secondary education improve using the Finnish secondary education model as example?
Anne van Doorn (Student); A. (Andreas) Funk