Van Excel sheet tot CRM-systeem
Schouten, A. (Student); Wolde, H. van der
How The End-to-End Customer Experience bridges the relationship between signalling and trust in online shopping.
Cécile Sternel (Student); David Branon (Begeleider)
The age of digitisation: The influence of digital channels on customer experience and customer relationships
Harald Pol (Lid Lectoraat); Mirjam Galetzka (Onderzoeker); Ad Pruyn (Onderzoeker)
Implementation of remote working
Fatme Feta (Student); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Ivan Bondokov (Begeleider)
Medisol - Dealer Business Cooperation Agreement
Festo Walusimbi (Student); Bernard Hollaers (Begeleider); Johan Weggemans (Docent)
PC Workbook Digitalisatie
Charlie Vierling (Student); R.P.F. van der Krogt (Begeleider)
Building brand advocacy for a sustainable brand through corporate storytelling and a customer journey improvement
Nick Vojvodić (Student)
Growing the South China Tigers in Hong Kong
Pratt, Robert Tobias (Student); Madokwenyu, Pachena; Powell, Claire
The Personal Touch in Customer Contact: The Influence of a Personal Approach on Customer Relationships and Customer Experience
Harald Pol (Onderzoeker); Mirjam Galetzka (Onderzoeker); Ad Pruyn (Onderzoeker)
Port governance revisited: How to govern and for what purpose?
Zhang, Qiang; Zheng, Shiyuan; Geerlings, Harry; El Makhloufi, Abdel (Lectoraat Logistiek)