Increasing the customers satisfaction of Raabe Slovakia LTD and its estimated effects on the company's success
Terézia Bellayová (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Mira Schrimpelova (Begeleider)
What are the best strategies TieTalent can use to increase the sales of its Sourcer service?
Raya Gerdzhikova (Student); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Laura Blakaj (Begeleider)
What CRM strategy would be most effective for KUGI in cultivating brand awareness and repeat purchases?
Mikke van Iersel (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
Implementation of remote working
Fatme Feta (Student); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Ivan Bondokov (Begeleider)
Improving the trade show follow-up campaign
Jeremy van Lierop (Student); L.J. Harris
A customer loyalty research of Stocker Centrale Verwarming B.V.
Janneke Reijmer (Student)
Alumni Relationship Marketing.
Sophie Tigges (Student); S. Bajelvand (Begeleider); Theo Bors (Begeleider); R. Palliser (Begeleider)
Mobile Marketing
Thomas Vente (Student); H.M.M. van Vliet (Begeleider); Kees Winkel (Begeleider); Dick van 't Hof (Begeleider); Matthijs Rotte (Begeleider)
Implementation of Customer Relationship Management for NABC : an effective solution to managing networks and relations
A.E. Kandou (Begeleider); Michel P. van Eijk (Student)