Self-management challenges and support needs among kidney transplantation recipients: a qualitative study
J.M.J. Been-Dahmen (Docent); J.W. Grijpma; J. Dwarswaard; L. Maasdam; W. Weimar; A.L. van Staa (Lector); E.K. Massey
Athletes’ Body Talk: The Role of Contextual Body Image in Eating Disorders as Seen Through the Eyes of Elite Women Athletes
de Bruin, A.P. (Karin); Oudejans, Raôul R.D.
Maturing pay-as-you-go data quality management: towards decision support for paying the larger bills
Jan van Dijk; M.S. Bargh (Lector); R. Choenni (Lector); Marco Spruit
Military-civilian personnel survey (MCPS)
M. D. Andres; Irina Goldenberg; J.M.L.M. Soeters; Kenan Dautovic
The burden of neck pain
Carlijn H. van Randeraad-van der Zee; Anna J.H.M. Beurskens; Reymond A.H.M. Swinkels; Jan J.M. Pool; Richard H. Osborne; Roy W. Batterham; Henrica C.W. de Vet
Physical exercise to improve or maintain activities of daily living performance in frail institutionalized older persons
Weening-Dijksterhuis, Betsy; van der Schans, Cees; Slaets, Joris P.J.
That's queen bitch to you
Tim Sparidans (Student); Frans Smulders (Begeleider)
Experiences of employees with arm, neck or shoulder complaints: a focus group study.
Nathan Hutting; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels; Bart Staal; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Organic tea in the supermarket
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Samantha M. Siewertsen (Student)
W. Thomassen (Student); R. Spanjers (Begeleider); R. Aarbodem (Begeleider)