Effect of Haloperidol on Survival Among Critically Ill Adults With a High Risk of Delirium
Mark van den Boogaard; A. J. C. Slooter; R. J. M. Brüggemann; Lisette Schoonhoven; A. Beishuizen; J.W. Vermeijden
Delirium prediction in the intensive care unit: comparison of two delirium prediction models
A. Wassenaar; Lisette Schoonhoven; J.W. Devlin; F.M.P. van Haren; A. J. C. Slooter; P.G. Jorens; Mark van den Boogaard
Verward in het operatiecentrum
Jorien Petersen (Student); Jacquelien van Sluis (Begeleider)
Betrouwbare meetinstrumenten om het valrisico te bepalen bij dementie
Esther Kocks (Student); Bettie Oosterhoff (Begeleider)
Effect of nocturnal sound reduction on the incidence of delirium in intensive care unit patients
van de Pol, Ineke; van Iterson, Mat; Maaskant, Jolanda
Protocol opvolging “Delirium, preventie, screening en behandeling” op verpleegafdeling Heelkunde UMC St Radboud
Conny Weilacher (Student); Elvy Versteegen (Student)
HELP! Problems in executing a pragmatic, randomized, stepped wedge trial on the Hospital Elder Life Program to prevent delirium in older patients
Noor Heim; Henk F. van Stel; Roelof Ettema (Lid Lectoraat); Roos C. van der Mast; Sharon K. Inouye; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector)
Concordance between nurse-reported quality of care and quality of care as publicly reported by nurse-sensitive indicators
Dewi Stalpers; Marieke J. Schurmans (Lector); Marian J. Kaljouw; Renate A.M.M. Kieft; Dimitri van der Linden
End-of-life care during and after an acute hospitalization in older patients with cancer, end-stage organ failure, or frailty: A sub-analysis of a prospective cohort study
Huijberts, Sanne; Buurman, Bianca M; de Rooij, Sophia E