Zocht je misschien: emotionele?
Learning about racism: A week-by-week qualitative exploration of two white Dutch primary student teachers’ emotional responses during a Critical Race Theory based course
Soeterik, Inti M.; Hanna, Fadie (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Öztemir, Tugba (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr))
Health Care For Children
Mike Tevel (Student)
Increasing guest satisfaction by implementing personalization in the guest journey.
Julia Schuuring (Student); Pieter-Jan Massoels (Begeleider)
Robots in education
Matthijs Smakman (Onderzoeker)
Educational needs, motives and experiences of sex care workers for people with disabilities in the Netherlands
S.R. Hilberink; H.A. van der Stege; Y. Kelders
Behavior Change Support Systems
Laurence Alpay (Lid Lectoraat); Piiastiina Tikka; Sanaul Haque
Effects of an SEL program in a diverse population of low achieving secondary education students
Marion van de Sande (Onderzoeker); Minne Fekkes (Onderzoeker); R.F.W. (René) Diekstra (Onderzoeker); Carolien Gravesteijn (Lector); Ria Reis (Onderzoeker); Paul Kocken (Onderzoeker)
Street-level bureaucrats: tensions and challenges in online placemaking
Pieter Breek (Onderzoeker); Joke Hermes (Lector); Jasper Eshuis (Onderzoeker)
Meaning-making on the ground: an empirical study on interactional framing in environmental conflicts
Korien van Vuuren - Verkerk (Lid Lectoraat); Noelle Aarts; Jan van der Stoep (Lector)
Emerald Professional Impact Award 2020 Catwalk - forces of nature
Lutjes, LS (Lotte) (Student)