Local object names at the Wereldmuseum
Imke Joling (Student); Marijke Kunst (Begeleider); Mirjam Shatanawi (Begeleider)
Pixel perfect performance
Mischa Gideonse (Student); Michiel Veen (Docent); Steven Hermans (Begeleider)
CarCollect: a modular internal management system
Alinda Klap (Student); Michiel Veen (Docent); Wout Groenendijk
Deemed Export Compliance Workshop
Naydenova, Daniela; Bakker, Diederich
Generation Z: attracting and recruiting in DSK Bank
Boyana Petkova (Student); Etienne Veldhuis (Docent); Gabriela Dzhezayryan (Begeleider)
Leveraging data protection law for protecting workers’ fundamental right to health and safety in the workplace
Stefania Marassi (Onderzoeker); J.F.B. (John) Bolte (Lector)
Ondernemen met Lef
Veth, Klaske
Potential for collaboration of Verkehrswendestadt activists with Volkswagen Wolfsburg employees
Stöckl, H. (Student); Schoemaker, A.J.
Increasing the customers satisfaction of Raabe Slovakia LTD and its estimated effects on the company's success
Terézia Bellayová (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Mira Schrimpelova (Begeleider)
College Werken met WOW
Veth, Klaske