Raising awareness for an agrifood future in secondary schools
Feike van der Leij (Lector); Gerry Kouwenhoven (Onderzoeker)
Shaping sustainable business models
Oskam, Inge F. (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen)
Adopting zero-waste indigo dyeing production
Divito, Lori (Amsib (Cedis)); Lam, Tuanh; O'Rourke, Carolyn (Amsib (Cedis))
Quality of Life Framework for Personalised Ageing
Sabina Barakovic; Jasmina Barakovic Husic; Joost van Hoof (Lector); Ondrej Krejcar; Petra Maresova; Zahid Akhtar; Francisco Jose Melero
Quality of Life: The Interplay between Human Behaviour, Technology and the Environment
Joost van Hoof (Lector); D.M. (Deirdre) Beneken genaamd Kolmer (Lector); E. (Erwin) de Vlugt (Lector); S.I. (Sanne) de Vries (Lector)
Managing innovative suppliers
Staal, Anne; Tookey, John; Seadon, Jeff; Mobach, Mark P.
Sustainable opportunity map for the technical department of Sweco
R. Lemmens (Begeleider); J. Schut (Student); Richard Koops (Begeleider)
Exploring innovative solutions for quality of life and care of bed-ridden nursing home residents through Codesign sessions
J. van Hoof (Onderzoeker); M. Wetzels; A.M.C. Dooremalen; R.A. Overdiep (Docent); M.E. Nieboer (Docent); A.M.E. Eyck (Docent); P.J.L.M. van Gorkom (Docent); Joost van Hoof; E.L.M. Zwerts-Verhelst (Docent); S. Aarts (Docent); C. Vissers-Luijcks; C.S. van der Voort (Docent); M.J.G.A. Moonen (Docent); H.A. van de Vrande (Docent); C.J.M.L. van Dijck-Heinen; E.J.M. Wouters (Lector)