Zocht je misschien: expressie, expression?
Een onderzoek naar de Florence Cane Methode bij een cliënt met schizofrenie en autisme binnen de langdurige rehabilitatie om in beweging te komen.
Melissa van Pijkeren (Student); Celine Schweizer (Begeleider)
Language gains in 4–6-year-old children with developmental language disorder and the relation with language profile, severity, multilingualism and non-verbal cognition
Gerda Bruinsma (Onderzoeker); Frank Wijnen (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
The first 15 min in art therapy
Suzanne Haeyen (Lid Lectoraat); Lisa Hinz
Children with language delay referred to Dutch speech and hearing centres: caseload characteristics
Karin Wiefferink; Camilla van Beugen; Barbara Wegener Sleeswijk; Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
The practical side of working with parent–child interaction therapy with preschool children with language impairments
Inge Klatte (Lid Lectoraat); Sue Roulstone
The concurrent and predictive validity of the Dutch version of the Communicative Development Inventory in children with Down Syndrome for the assessment of expressive vocabulary in verbal and signed modalities
H. van Balkom; E.J.M. Mens; Dr Yvonne van Zaalen (Associate Lector); MSc Stijn Deckers (Docent); L.T.W. Verhoeven