Eye-tracking street users' visual exploration of buildings across the globe
Suurenbroek, Frank (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Spanjar, Gideon (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie)
Urban and Transit Planning: A Culmination of Selected Research Papers from IEREK Conferences on Urban Planning, Architecture and Green Urbanism, Italy and Netherlands (2017)
Oden, Petra; Schuldink, Dennis; Bougdah, Hocine; Versaci, Antonella; Sotoca, Adolf; Trapani, Ferdinando; Migliore, Marco; Clark, Nancy
Marco Gijsen
The future of Nature-Driven Urbanism
Roggema, Rob; Roggema, Rob
Assessment of thermally comfortable urban spaces in Amsterdam during hot summer days
Klok, Lisette; Rood, Niek; Kluck, Jeroen (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Kleerekoper, Laura (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad)
Natalia Sulkowska
Implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems to preserve cultural heritage – pilot Motte Montferland
Boogaard, Floris; Wentink, Ronald; Vorenhout, Michel; de Beer, Johannes
Determining thermal specifications for vegetated green roofs in moderate winter climats
C.M. Ravesloot
Ruimte voor innovaties in het veenweidegebied van het Groene Hart
Diederik den Houting (Student); Sebastian Fischer Baling (Begeleider); Peter Martens (Begeleider)
Smart Green Campus
Henk Plessius (Lid Lectoraat); Joris Mens (Lid Lectoraat); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)