Wearable wireless continuous vital signs monitoring on the general ward: a technological innovation in nursing
Job Leenen (Lid Lectoraat)
Fuel savings through new turbochargers?
Dies Franse (Student); Arie de Groot (Docent); Josephine van Gent (Begeleider)
Fine-tuning the flavor of Tetraselmis chuii by modifying nitrogen supply
Bert Coleman (Onderzoeker); Christof Van Poucke (Onderzoeker); Bavo De Witte (Onderzoeker); Valentina Casciaro (Onderzoeker); Tanja Moerdijk-Poortvliet (Onderzoeker); Koenraad Muylaert (Onderzoeker); Johan Robbens (Onderzoeker)
Innovation believers
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Underestimated Factors Regarding the Use of Technology in Daily Practice of Long-Term Care: Qualitative Study Among Health Care Professionals
Ouden, MEM (Marjolein ) den (Lector); Gemert-Pijnen, JEWC (Lisette) van (Extern); Os-Medendorp, H (Harmieke) van (Associate Lector); Groeneveld, (Sjors) (Onderzoeker); Verdaasdonk, (Rudolph) (Extern)
Towards Climate Resilient Freight Transport in Europe
Frans Bal (Onderzoeker); Jaap Marinus Vleugel (Onderzoeker)
Possibilities, Patience, and Perseverance: A Preliminary Analysis of the Needs and Experiences of Ten Older Adults Regarding Their Use of Digital Health Technology
Janienke Sturm (Lector); Angelique Dierick-van Daele (Lector); Marilène Christianen; Marjolijn van Gelder; Eveline Wouters (Lector)
Bonamia-free flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) seed for restoration projects : non-destructive screening of broodstock, hatchery production and test for Bonamia-tolerance
Pauline Kamermans (Onderzoeker); Ainhoa Blanco (Onderzoeker); Pim van Dalen (Onderzoeker); Marc Engelsma (Onderzoeker); Nienke Bakker (Onderzoeker); Pascalle Jacobs (Onderzoeker); Marco Dubbeldam (Onderzoeker); Inés Sambade (Onderzoeker); Manuel Vera (Onderzoeker); Paulino Martinez (Onderzoeker)
Metal Detection in Waste Wood
El Oufi, Walid; Bos, Gaspard; Schoen, Tony; Malé-Alemany, Marta (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen)
Perception of vibration
Jan-Willem Prinsen (Student); Yvonne Vonk (Docent); Jacqueline Coppée (Begeleider)