A systematic approach to quantify the influence of indoor environmental parameters on students' perceptions, responses, and short-term academic performance
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
The influence of indoor air quality in classrooms on the short-term academic performance of students in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P.; Kort, Helianthe S.M.
What is the thermal effect of 'blue' in blue-green roofs?
Föllmi, Dante (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Corpel, Lisanne (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Solcerova, Anna (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Kluck, Jeroen (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad)
A systematic approach to quantify the influence of indoor environmental parameters on students' perceptions, responses, and short-term academic performance
Henk W. Brink (Onderzoeker); Marcel G.L.C. Loomans (Onderzoeker); Mark P. Mobach (Onderzoeker); Helianthe S.M. Kort (Lector)
The influence of indoor air quality in classrooms on students’ short-term academic performance
Brink, Henk Willem
The influence of indoor air quality in classrooms on the short-term academic performance of students in higher education; a field study during a regular academic course
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.
Ventilation and air cleaning to limit aerosol particle concentrations in a gym during the COVID-19 pandemic
Bert Blocken; Thijs van Druenen; Alessio Ricci; Luyang Kang; Twan van Hooff; Peng Qin; Lili Xia; Claudio Alanis Ruiz; Dennis Arts; Jan Diepens; G.A. Maas; Stefanie Gillmeier; Steven Vos; Aarnout Brombacher
The Influence of Indoor Environmental Quality on Perceived Quality of Learning in Classrooms for Higher Education
Henk W. Brink; Marcel Loomans; M.P. Mobach; Helianthe S.M. Kort (Lector)
Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education
Henk W. Brink; Marcel Loomans; Mark Mobach; Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education
Brink, Henk Willem; Loomans, Marcel G.L.C.; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Kort, Helianthe S.M.