Access to Burn Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Botman, Matthijs; Hendriks, Thom C C; de Haas, Louise E M; Mtui, Grayson S; Binnerts, Joost; Nuwass, Emanuel Q; Jaspers, Mariëlle E H; Winters, Hay A H; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne K; van Zuilen, Paul P M; Niemeijer, Anuschka
Joint flexibility problems and the impact of its operationalisation
Oosterwijk, A.M.; Disseldorp, L.M.; van der Schans, C.P. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Mouton, L.J.; Nieuwenhuis, M.K.
Course of prevalence of scar contractures limiting function
Oosterwijk, Anouk M.; Mouton, Leonora J.; Stoop, Matthea M.; Akkerman, Moniek; van Baar, Margriet E.; Scholten-Jaegers, Sonja M.H.; van der Schans, Cees P. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Nieuwenhuis, M.K.
Epidemiology and Outcome of Patients With Burns Treated With Cerium Nitrate Silversulfadiazine
Dutch Burn Repository group, Martini Hospital; Niemeijer, Anuschka
Epidemiology and trends in severe burns in the Netherlands
Dutch Burn Repository group
Cost-Effectiveness of Laser Doppler Imaging in Burn Care in The Netherlands;
Hop, M J; Stekelenburg, C; Hiddingh, J; Kuipers, H; Goei, H; Middelkoop, E; Polinder, S; van, Baar M E; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns)
Effect of training in the Emergency Management of Severe Burns on the knowledge and performance of emergency care workers as measured by an online simulated burn incident
Breederveld, Roelf S; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); Tuinebreijer, Wim E; Aardenburg, Brigit
Impact of modification of burn center referral criteria on primary patient outcome
Welling, Lieke; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G W; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne K (Functional Recovery And Quality Of Life After Burns); Oen, Irma M H; Henny, C Pieter; Middelkoop, Esther; Luitse, Jan S K; Gouma, Dirk J