A generational approach to female entrepreneurship in Europe
P. Ester; A.A. Román
A generational approach to female entrepreneurship in Europe
Ester, Peter; Roman, Amélia (Amsib (Cedis))
The Munchausen paradigm for deprived neighbourhoods: pulling yourself out of the swamp of deprivation
J.E. Nijkamp; J. Burgers; C.H.Z. Kuiper
Embedding Sustainable Business Practice
R.E. Ainsbury (Lector)
Do child's psychosocial functioning, and parent and family characteristics predict early alcohol use? The TRAILS Study
Visser, Leenke; de Winter, Andrea F.; Vollebergh, Wilma A.M.; Verhulst, Frank C.; Reijneveld, Sijmen A.
Social Entrepreneurship Competence: Evidence from Founders of Social Enterprises in Romania
Loredana Orhei; Joop Vinke; S. Nandram
Do-It-Together Finance! A Participatory Action Research on Community-Based Finance Systems in the Netherlands
Julie-Marthe Lehman (Lid Lectoraat); Peer Smeets
Organizing local ‘green’ entrepreneurship
Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); Sven Willemsen (Lid Lectoraat)
Het beste van beide werelden.
dr. Gürkan Çelik (Lector)
The Social Enterprise In Romania : An European Perspective on Their Current Situation
Nicolae Bibu; Loredana Orhei; Joop Vinke