Zocht je misschien: noorden?
Lieneke Donker (Student)
Fytoplanktontrends in de Noordwijkraai
Bortel, L.L.A. van (Student); Valent, A.P.M.; Truijen, G.J.P.
Slowaaks koper in de Noordzee
Vedder, S (Stefan) (Student)
Learning marine spatial planning with a serious game
Goldsborough, D.G. (Lid Lectoraat)
Identifying obstacles preventing multi-use in offshore wind farms in relation to licencing in the Netherlands
Steinkönig, L. (Student); Walter, M. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Beem, J.A. van
Verdronken Dijk Uitdam
Pollé, K (Kirsten) (Student)
Achieving a more sustainable skates and rays stock management in the Greater North Sea by analysing age determination methods, length frequency discard surveydata, and current management of Raja brachyura and Raja clavata
Kruitz, S. (Student); Verboon, N. (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Stelwagen, T.
Mapping current and future human uses and their spatial conflicts on the southern North Sea
Seldenrath, A. (Student); Vries, M. de (Student); Goldsborough, D.G.; Needle, M.
Schelpdierbank restauratie in de Voordelta
Wildschut, M. (Student); Stijvers, R. (Student); Rippen, J.C.; Karssenberg, G.; Schrijver, E.E.
Onderzoek naar mogelijkheden voor transport van concentraat via de afvalwaterketen
S.K. Traast (Student); C van der Giessen (Begeleider)