Pop-up Meet-o-theek
Roest, Allard
Interview with German Media Theorist Annekathrin Kohout about her Book Nerds, K-pop and Cuteness
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
De Rol van Banken
Nahied Rezwani (Onderzoeker); Luc Salemans (Onderzoeker); J. (Hans) Bossert (Lector)
The practical prospects of quantum computing for enterprises
Voetman, Roy; Mellema, Jordi; Balje, Jan (New Business & Ict); Groenboom, Rix (New Business & Ict)
Low-literacy Part 3
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
4*4 PitStop method for pop-up professional (learning) networks
M.T.A. (Max) Aangenendt (Onderzoeker); Christian Wallner (Lector)
K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector); Anja Overdiek (Onderzoeker); Agnes Evangelista (Onderzoeker)
Circular business model innovation through sensory ethnography
K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector); Anja Overdiek (Lector)