Clinimetric Properties of the Steep Ramp Test to Assess Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Its Underlying Physiological Responses, and Its Current Applications
Trul-Kreuze, Ingeborg (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Akkerman, Moniek; Kieboom, Eleonora A M; Nieuwenhuis, Marianne (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Houdijk, Han; Bongers, Bart
A structured process framework for digital servitization
N.A. Kerstholt; B. Rietdijk; F.T.H.M. Berkers
Exploring frailty perspectives of older people and professionals
Golbach, Rianne (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Bunt, Steven; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Finnema, Evelyn; Hobbelen, Johannes (Ageing And Allied Health Care)
Tensions in work integration social enterprises in The Netherlands
Linda, Drupsteen; Meerstra-de Haan, Erzsi (Regional Labour Market)
Self-management support from health care providers in Shared Medical Appointments: didactic techniques, peer learning, group dynamics and motivation
A.H.C. Tsiamparlis-Wildeboer; E.I. Feijen-De Jong; E. Slagt-Tichelman; A. de Jonge; F. Scheele
Listening to People
Boekhoven, Jeroen (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving)
Het platteland, de noodzaak voor een nieuw sociaal-ruimtelijk perspectief
Bulder, Elisabeth (Leefomgeving In Transitie); Melis, Dr. Korrie
Thesis about the emptying process of water storage facilities in urban areas
Melvin Lisseveld (Student); Lukas Papenborg (Docent); Lennard Stigter (Begeleider)
Escaperoom in Energy education
Joost Jongen (Onderzoeker)