Zocht je misschien: psychologie?
Triangulating measures of teacher quality in teaching students with behavioral problems
Buttner, Svenja; Pijl, S.J.; Bijstra, Jan; van den Bosch, Els
International collaboration as a patchwork quilt: experiences of developing collaborative practice and research in an international masters programme
Jacqueline van Swet (Lid Lectoraat); Ann Cheryl Armstrong; Christine Lloyd (Lector)
The differential effects of task complexity on domain-specific and peer assessment skills
K. Könings; Dominique Sluijsmans; Marjo van Zundert; J.J.G. van Merriënboer
Professional development of Teacher Educators: What do they do? Findings from an explorative international study among teacher educators
Tetsuhito Sakata; Quinta Kools (Lector); Gilada Avissar; Simone White; Marcel van der Klink
Developing critical understanding by teaching action research to undergraduate psychology students
Dr. Gaby Jacobs (Lector); Prof. dr. Michael Murray
Continuing professional development needs of teachers in schools for competence-based vocational education: A case study from The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent)