A new measurement method of parental perception of child friendliness in neighborhoods to improve neighborhood quality and children's health and well-being
Pauline van den Berg (Onderzoeker); Xiaoli Gong; Theo Arentze
How older adults experience the age-friendliness of Skopje:
Joost van Hoof; Jeroen Dikken; Daniel Pavlovski; Elisabeta Bajrami Ollogu
Product safety and liability soft textile toys
Manik, N (Nusrat) (Student)
On the Dry port to Dry port-concept Gaining a better understanding of the added value
Erik van Zanten; Dennis Moeke; Henny Jordaan; Darjat Sudrajat; Engkos Achmad Kuncoro
Designing an interactive, creativity-fostering mobile cart
Evenboer, M (Mirthe) (Student)
EPIS-RI: Indonesian Translation, Cultural Adaptation and Construct Validation of an Interprofessional Identity Measure
Asmara, Fatikhu; Kristina, Tri Nur; Versluis, Marco; Scherpbier, Nynke; Reinders, Jan-Jaap (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Validation of the 5-item workplace outcome suite on employee assistance programs for office workers
Nowrouzi-Kia, Behdin; Sirek, Sarah; Granofsky, Grace; Morrison, Mitchel; Steenstra, Ivan
Evaluating the reliability and validity of practitioners and consumers’ advertising creativity assessments
K. Mazerant-Dubois; L.M. Willemsen; P.C. Neijens; G. van Noort