Evaluatiemoment - Toolbox Autonomie-ondersteunend Lesgeven voor docenten - Interventie
Elke Tonneijk (Student); Marijke Bergman (Begeleider); Tanja Stöver (Begeleider)
A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions
Asghar Ahmadi; Michael Noetel; Philip Parker; Richard M. Ryan; Nikos Ntoumanis; Johnmarshall Reeve; Mark Beauchamp; Theresa Dicke; Alexander Yeung; Malek Ahmadi; Kimberley Bartholomew; Thomas K.F. Chiu; Thomas Curran; Gokce Erturan; Barbara Flunger; Christina Frederick; John Mark Froiland; David González-Cutre; Leen Haerens; Luca Matias Jeno; Andre Koka; Christa Krijgsman; Jody Langdon; Rhiannon Lee White; David Litalien; David Lubans; John Mahoney; Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay; Cecilie Thogersen-Ntoumani; Henri Tilga; Diego Vasconcellos; Chris Lonsdale
Promoting creative autonomy support in school music education
Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education); van Geert, Paul L.C.; Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior)
Self-Determination Theory
Haakma, Ineke
Effective IT use among residential caregivers
Wilma van Etten (Student); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector); Guido Ongena (Onderzoeker); Johan Versendaal (Lector)
Burden of support: a counter narrative of service users’ experiences with community housing services
M. Heerings; H. van de Bovenkamp; M. Cardol; R. Bal
Common sense Self-determination theory
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Common sense Self-determination theory
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Kupers, Elisa; Hendriks, Linda (Arts Education); Glăveanu, Vlad Peter
How does engaging in authentic research at undergraduate level contribute to student well-being?
Helen Walkington (Onderzoeker); Belinda Ommering (Onderzoeker)