Towards European standardization of digitalization approaches for monitoring and safety of bridges and tunnels
Rizal Sebastian (Lector); Matthias Weise (Onderzoeker); Ana Sánchez Rodríguez (Onderzoeker); Ioana Giurgiu (Onderzoeker); Nicolas Mitsch (Onderzoeker)
Rotatable Smart TinyLab, a platform for testing integrated façades and indoor climate
Struck, (Christian) (Lector); Weersink, (Annemarie ) (Onderzoeker); Mohammadi, (Saleh) (Associate Lector); Ende, (Jeroen) van 't (Onderzoeker)
Monitoring NZEB dwellings in the Netherlands
Rovers, TJH (Twan) (Onderzoeker); Guerra-Santin, (Olivia ) (Extern); Itard, ( Laure ) (Extern)
Institutional complexities of smart maintenance purchasing in higher education institutes: setting the scene
Johannes, Koos; Voordijk, Hans; Wakkee, Ingrid (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Aranda-Mena, Guillermo
Building value-based technology together
Bart Wernaart (Lector)
Assessment of energy and business performance of innovative technologies in SMEs
Pieter Proot (Onderzoeker); Ad Breukel (Onderzoeker); Jeroen Lippens (Onderzoeker); Hugo de Moor (Onderzoeker); Hilde Breesch (Onderzoeker)
Smart buildings & interfaces for managers of buildings and facilities, and intelligence needed for occupant-HVAC interfaces at room level
Frans Joosstens (Onderzoeker)
WHO-ISG collaboration on assistive technologies for healthy ageing-in-place: A round table discussion
E. Aspnes (Onderzoeker); J. Bergschold (Onderzoeker); N. Charness (Onderzoeker); M.L. Fang (Onderzoeker); G. Gutman (Onderzoeker); Y. Hsu (Onderzoeker); W. Kearns (Onderzoeker); H.S.M. Kort (Lector); T.M. Raymundo (Onderzoeker); H. Nap (Onderzoeker); D. Zandi (Onderzoeker); W. Zhang (Onderzoeker)
Heat Mapping, a Method for Enhancing the Sustainability of the Smart District Heat Networks
Mohammadi, s (Saleh) (Associatelector); Vaisi, S. (Salah) (Researcher); Habibi, K. (Kyoumars) (Researcher)
Policy for a Circular Economy in the Northwest European (NWE) region
Evert-Jan Velzing (Lid Lectoraat); Malou van der Vegt (Onderzoeker); Martijn Rietbergen (Onderzoeker); Ulrike Kirschnick (Onderzoeker); Hjalka Biernat (Onderzoeker); Olivier Talon (Onderzoeker); Soumaya Lafqir (Onderzoeker); Russell Yates (Onderzoeker)