Participative evaluation of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems with ClimateCafé Malmö
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri
Infiltration capacity of rain gardens using full-scale test method
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri
Use of Foraging Habitats and Disturbance of Ringed Plover (Charadrius Hiaticula)
Loes de Jong (Student); Bram Verkruysse (Docent); Floor Arts (Begeleider)
Risk assessment for areas prone to flooding and subsidence
Venvik, Guri; Bang-Kittilsen, Ane; Boogaard, Floris
Design of Feasible Storm Water Drainage for Urban Development of The Waymouth Hills
Weishan Zhang (Student); Nikola Stanic (Begeleider); Tina Suvorov (Begeleider); Ronal Daal (Begeleider); Gerben Tommassen (Begeleider)
The influence of environmental and gully pot specific factors on solid deposition in gully pots
Vallendar, A. (Student); Bot, A.K.
Changes in associated fauna on littoral commercial mussel plots in the Eastern Scheldt
Anneke van den Brink (Begeleider); J. Cohen-Schotanus (Begeleider); B. Schreur (Student); Alco Nijssen (Docent)
Effects of tidal flat nourishment on local waveclimateas exemplified by Roggenplaat sand nourishment in the Eastern Scheldt
Gerben Huiszoon (Begeleider); Giuliana Scuderi (Begeleider); M. Zimina (Student)
9th international conference Novatech 2016
Boogaard, Floris
Storm water and wastewater management for improving water quality
Boogaard, Floris; Vojinovic, Zoran; Heikoop, Rick