Assessing the evolution of banking reputation literature: a bibliometric analysis
Rabia Fatima (Onderzoeker); Rosella Carè; Nathalie Lèvy
Making Rivers, Producing Futures
de Jong, Lotte (Climate Adaptation); Veldwisch, Gert Jan; Melsen, Lieke; Boelens, Rutgerd
Evaluating the reliability and validity of practitioners and consumers’ advertising creativity assessments
K. Mazerant-Dubois; L.M. Willemsen; P.C. Neijens; G. van Noort
Know your students!
Lisa Klinkenberg (Onderzoeker); Melissa Versteeg (Onderzoeker); Naomi Seldenthuis (Onderzoeker); Rutger Kappe (Lector)
Our experiences with experience-based co-design
Danielle Vossebeld (Onderzoeker); Remko van der Lugt (Lector); Lotte van der Schoot (Onderzoeker)
Academic capital formation upon the transition to higher education
Bas Agricola (Onderzoeker); Fiona Veraa (Onderzoeker); Mieke van Diepen (Onderzoeker); Louise Elffers (Onderzoeker)
How ineffective entrepreneurial selling contributes to business failure: an explorative study on business owners of small and medium enterprises in The Netherlands
de Groot, Maurik; Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
Variations over time in mode of birth and perinatal outcomes in women with one previous cesarean in the Netherlands: a 20-year population-based study
I. Koorn; L.C. Vis; K.J.C. Verschueren; A.N. Rosman; T. van den Akker
Mobile Citizens: Challenges and successes. How small to medium-sized towns and businesses deal with EU Mobile Citizens
Rosa Groen (Onderzoeker); Karijn Nijhoff (Onderzoeker); Gijs Giesen (Onderzoeker)
The combined value of executive functions and self-regulated learning to predict differences in study success among higher education students
Manuhuwa, dma (Diane) (Onderzoeker); Graaf, (Jan Willem) (Extern); Fleer, (Joke) (Extern); Snel - de Boer, (Mirjam) (Onderzoeker); Jaarsma, (Debbie) (Extern)