Using a Delphi technique to seek consensus regarding definitions, descriptions and classification of terms related to implicit and explicit forms of motor learning
Mark Wilson; Monique Lexis; Melanie Kleynen (Lid Lectoraat); Michel Bleijlevens; Anna Beurskens (Lector); Jos Halfens; Sascha Rasquin; Susy Braun (Lid Lectoraat); Rich Masters
The transtlantic data transfer : the case of EU-U.S. relations
Tatjana Arnold (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Learning together
Stolte, Tine
Learning together
Stolte, Tine
The free movement principle and imbalance in intra-european student mobility
Nina J.M. de Korte (Student); P. (Pieter) Pijlman (Begeleider)
1e Prijs H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2015A design science approach to youth care knowledge exchange through simulation gaming
Kees van Haaster (Lid Lectoraat)
Expertise Transfer Session in Green Technology
van Gemert, Wim
Expertise Transfer Session in Green Technology
van Gemert, Wim