Exploratief onderzoek naar het effect van Vocal Massage op het stemgeven bij professionele stemgebruikers
Amber de Kok (Student); Mitchel van Eeden (Begeleider)
Measurement of speech parameters in casual speech of dementia patients
Roelant Ossewaarde (Lid Lectoraat); Roel Jonkers; Fedor Jalvingh; Roelien Bastiaanse
Appropriating pasts, attempting to develop visual strategies that present photographs from a culturally specific context to culturally diverse audiences
Stultiens, Andrea
Speech dysprosody but no music ‘dysprosody’ in Parkinson's disease
Harris, Robert; Leenders, Klaus L.; de Jong, Bauke M.
Prevalence of Vocal Tract Discomfort in the Flemish Population Without Self-Perceived Voice Disorders.
Anke Luyten (Docent); I. Meerschman; K. van Lierde; L. Bruneel; E. D'haeseleer
Multimodal speech data acquisition with the use of EMA, fast-speed video cameras and a dedicated microphone array
Swiecinski, R.J.
Impact of Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Objective Vocal Quality: a Pilot Study.
E. D'haeseleer; M. Krystopava; S. Gadeyne; K. van Lierde; Anke Luyten (Docent); L. Bruneel; G. van Maele; N. Piens; K. Vonck; B. Boehme
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke M.
Central examination of English in mbo education
Ivo Schols (Student); Hannie Lucassen (Begeleider)
Social media & the Government: living happily ever after?
Reint Jan Renes (Lector); Danielle van Wallinga (Lid Lectoraat)